辛苦的考過了美國會計師,原本是想拿張inactive license 就好,但是因為人生規劃改變要前往加拿大讀書再想辦法留下來打拼(美國工作簽好難抽阿😂),既然要去加拿大,想說把加拿大CPA也一起考起來,目的地是CPA Ontario,上網查了一下,有AICPA的話,只要再考一科法規就可以了(要執業的話要再考另一顆會計+審計,不過暫時還沒到那邊先不管)。

But! My father used to tell me everything before the word but is bullshit!


需要有美國的Active License!更仔細地說是需要Member of a Recognized U.S. State Board of Accountancy 出具一份letter of good standing(什麼都要錢USD 25),前提就是你需要有Active License


eric0199 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


The problem that you will suffer from helping yourself to apply Canada Study permit!!!



I write this only for sharing a stupid thing happened during my application, hoping no one will need it. But if you are not lucky enough, this is the way to tackle the problem!


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